没有恐惧只有愤怒只有人性的扭曲只有无法信任任何人在末日环境下只有你死我活那些行尸看到了没有一点感觉…只有对活人的戒备看到活人既让他死远离…那些行尸反而是最该“亲近的”法克咪网站入口没有人性的那些丑恶现世世界和末世的转变那些好的未必好坏的未必坏像达里尔…本季记忆最深也是刻骨铭心的一句话来源于古老的拉丁语…Dolor hic tibi proderit olim已背诵下来看到剧尾实在想杀人领队瑞克太安于现状法克咪网站入口没有危机意识最好的防御该是~杀绝…
3.5. Not your average (Netflix) action flick. The visual style and action scenes are mediocre and adequate at best, but this is first and foremost a psychological, emotional, and moral exploration of the implications and vulnerabilities of being immortal. (And yeah fuck those fanboys in the comment section